
Title Princess Mononoke Publication Type Film Year Released 2000 Director Running Time 134 min Studio Miramax Synopsis 'This epic, animated 1997 fantasy has already made history as the top-grossing domestic feature ever released in Japan, where its combination of mythic themes, mystical forces, and ravishing visuals tapped deeply into cultural identity and contemporary, ecological anxieties. For international animation and anime fans, Princess Mononoke represents an auspicious next step for its revered creator, Hayao Miyazaki (My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service), an acknowledged anime pioneer, whose painterly style, vivid character design, and stylized approach to storytelling take ambitious, evolutionary steps here.'

(text taken from Amazon) URL Cast Morishige, HisayaSmith, Jada PinkettThornton, Billy BobTanaka, YukoMatsuda, YojiHayao, Miyazaki. Posted By: Martina Posted On: November 18, 2017 This anime film is set in medieval Japan, and it depicts the struggle between the environment and the human race's impact on the environment. Personally, I believe that this film could be shown in a high school setting due to some violence.

Oct 3, 2014 - drew the first preliminary artwork for a story he called “Princess Mononoke.” He hoped to sell the project to a film company or a TV station.

In truth, the violence in the film is depicted in a way that one could view the violence as comical and unrealistic. One thing that I found interesting is the way that the women and men are depicted.

This film has a reversed gender stereotype for both the men in women, which could spark a conversation in one's classroom. Another topic that could generate some conversation is how there is not a distinct evil character in this film, because even the 'bad' characters have some redeeming qualities. Plus, the ending does not resolve the issue of industrialization versus nature, which allows students to discuss how this might still be a battle in today's generation. This film could be used to introduce a class debate or research paper on industrialization versus conservation.

Overall, I enjoyed watching this film, and it could generate various discussions in a high school setting. Posted By: Marta Martinez Ferrero Posted On: November 16, 2017 This is one of my favorite movies by Miyazaki, so my review is a little bit biased. Nistune keygen generator crack.

I teach high school,and in my opinion this movie would be appropriate for my students, especially juniors and seniors. It has some graphic images, but violence in anime is not very realistic and seems silly most of the times. Showing this movie would require to spend some time discussing important Japanese cultural values that are a paramount part of the theme of the movie. Also, it would be helpful to facilitate understanding by making connections with other stories that put a similar emphasis in the value of nature and the destruction caused by industrialism, like the Lord of The Rings for instance. It would be important to point out that female characters are very strong and have solid leadership skills, actually the Wise woman and Lady Eboshi are the leaders of their own communities.