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This webpage displays: • the GHS pictograms applicable to sectors other than transport of dangerous goods (i.e. Pictograms with the red border) • the pictograms for transport of dangerous goods (usually referred to as 'labels' in transport of dangerous goods regulations) applicable to transport classes for which an equivalent GHS hazard class exists. For hazard communication elements (labels and marks) applicable to other transport classes or transport conditions covered by transport of dangerous goods regulations but not addressed in the GHS (e.g. Labels for classes 7 and 9; elevated temperature substance mark; lithium battery mark; etc) refer to Part 5 of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods,.

For further information on the allocation of GHS label elements, refer to Annex 1 to the GHS. To consult the official text of the GHS follow 'Legal instruments and recommendations->GHS->GHS official text and corrigenda' on the left menu. To download the pictograms, right-click on the formats under each picture and select Save Target As. Notes: GIF files are in RGB. For CMYK colours use the file 'label' (the 'label'format is a TIF file with a 45°-rotated picture for direct label printing). The pictograms are only available in the formats displayed hereafter. * * * * * * ** *** ** *** ** *** *: For the class on explosives (i.e.

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Class 1 for transport), ' *' is to be replaced by the indication of the compatibility group or to be left blank if explosive is the subsidiary risk. For more details see Chapter 5.2 of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods,. **: The symbol, the number and the border line may be shown in black instead of white. ***: The symbol, the number and the border line may be shown in white instead of black.

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